In the Heart of Darkness + Stretch Goals+ KS Exclusives English

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Regular price €42,85 EUR
Regular price €85,72 EUR Sale price €42,85 EUR
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A dynamic, strategic, and immersive survival horror experience filled with nightmares and a slim chance of surviving

Explore the many locations of the macabre island of Mora in this dynamic, strategic, and fast-paced survival horror game. Face the demonic creatures, uncover the secrets of the island and try to escape alive!

"In The Heart Of Darkness" is a game with fast, dynamic and exciting gameplay. It's quick and easy to learn, but challenging even for experienced players.
The game is full of tactical and difficult decisions that can punish or kill you if you don't play smart. "In The Heart Of Darkness" takes you into the atmosphere of gothic horror novels and films. It takes you straight into the macabre and mysteries of an island filled with ancient mysteries and demonic presence!

An easy-to-learn experience for new players and fun for experienced players

Replay value and three difficulty levels - complete different challenges and goals

A dynamic, fast, intensive and easy to learn system

Solo and co-op game for 1-4 players

- Description of the developer

Game with all stretch goals:

139 high quality cards
50 tokens
18 plastic stands
1 Cloth Dice Bag
1 core map
1 expansion map
1 plastic token
1 rule book
1 campaign book
5 Six Sided Dice

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  • Nicht für Kinder unter 13 Jahren


Enthält Papier und Kunststoffe, bitte getrennt entsorgen.


Erstickungsgefahr durch verschluckbare Kleinteile. Es handelt sich nicht um Spielzeug für Kinder.
