Elements of Inspiration Wandering Monsters Box Set RPG English Kickstarter Edition

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Regular price €69,90 EUR
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This collection of decks takes monsters from the 5th Edition Core Rulebooks and makes them available in the form of wandering monster boards that can be randomly rolled or chosen by difficulty. Decks are divided into Dungeon, Underground, City, Waterways, and Wildland environments.

The perfect accessory to randomly generate interesting and appropriate monsters that will challenge your players and always be fun!

Wandering Monster Decks are a great addition to any gamemaster's toolbox. Each deck is filled with monsters that match a specific environment. We have Dungeon, Wilderlands, Waterways and Underground. Each of these 52-card decks is based on one of the various bestiaries available for 5th Edition and Pathfinder. Currently our picks include Core Bestiary for 5th Edition, Bestiary 1 for Pathfinder, Fifth Edition Foes by Frog God Games, and Tome of Beasts by Kobold Press.

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